This is Soleil a pied Sun Conure...if you look in earlier posts when we first got her she has a lot of green through her back. She is going through a molt right now and is losing all the green and some of the blue. You can see the new tail feather has come in completely yellow! She is a total beauty!!
Miss Soleil from the side..her beak is getting darker as well. I can't wait until she gets her full adult colouring!
YAY.....our first conure eggs at Precious Feathers Aviary. Parents are Levi and Chanel.
Mommy canary keeping her babies safe and warm!
What a fluke picture.....I just love it!! Our Sun Conure Pekabu flew onto the camera just as I was taking a picture. You can see his tail hanging in the way. It looks as if Magic moved so that she could still be in the shot. What a little clown she is!
The putting board is all finished and ready to be hit with golf balls!!
This is a flyer that Jared made up for me for my art work.
Magic stopping to pose for me!
Another shot of beautiful Magic.
Pekabu is a male sun conure. He is new to the zoo and will be a future breeder! What a cutie!!

Magic and Pekabu
Pekabu and Lily...Pekabu was a wonderful finishing touch for lily's pirate costume!! Aren't they cute??
Greycie having fun swinging on her bell.
Greycie strikes a pose or she may be dancing a jig...not sure!!! ha ha ha
April 30th 2008 was my Son Jared's 15th Birthday. We went to Montana's where my oldest Son Jordan and his girlfriend Caitlynn work. Jared was so afraid that we were going to bring out the bull horns for him to wear! LOL Well we went easy on him and just sang to him, no horns!!
Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday to you
Make a good wish.....I hope all your wishes come true Jared! You are a special young man! Love you lots!!!